
Michael Bowen’s Story

I had my first seizure when I was 13.  It was a Petit Mal, meaning I did not collapse but was not aware or in control of my actions and words.  While giving a presentation in English class the rails came off; mid speech I began rambling, acting strangely and…...

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David Grisset & Dr. Syed Asad on WJCTNews Radio

WJCTNews Radio, November 1, 2016 EFOF Community Resource Specialist, David Grisset and Dr. Syed Asad, of Universal Neurological Care, discuss epilepsy, the foundation and November Epilepsy Awareness month on WJCTNews Radio. Listen to the entire segment here:

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Obamacare open enrollment begins Tuesday with focus on Miami

 BY DANIEL CHANG – Miami Herald, October 31, 2016 Open enrollment begins Tuesday for the Affordable Care Act insurance exchange at, with consumers facing higher premiums, fewer choices of health plans and a measure of uncertainty about the future of the health law better known as Obamacare. In Miami-Dade…...

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Katia Philippeaux’s Story

Robert was only 18-years-old when he passed away from epilepsy. I will never forget that early Thursday morning when I was awoken to the loud thumps of my brother hitting his wooden head board as he seized. I instantly rushed into his room only to find him unresponsive and gasping…...

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