
Alanna Sedlitz-Ippolito

  Have you ever heard a story that gave you chills down your spine? A story that you couldn’t help but feel as if it was you in that story? Well I have one for you. Imagine, you’re 18 years old, and having your first baby. A little boy to…...

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Plan Ahead for 2018 Health Plans

Get ready for 2018 Open Enrollment. The federal marketplace open enrollment period is much shorter this year – November 1 through December 15, 2017 – for coverage that begins January 1, 2018. Though it’s still months away, you can get ready now to decide what kind of coverage you’ll need. …...

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Surprise! Life Changes and the ACA

Life is always full of surprises and changes. Job loss, marriage, child birth, moving. Any of these things could trigger the kind of life change that makes you eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Marriage – or divorce- could trigger eligibility for a “Special Enrollment Period.” If you qualify…...

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It’s a guy thing: Staying Fit & Healthy with the ACA

Guys, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has you covered. ACA healthcare policies aren’t designed just to treat you when you’re sick, but to catch problems early – when they can best be treated –  through regular health screenings. These can help you stay fit and healthy, and can even save your life. While…...

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