Faces of Epilepsy


Meredith Pence doesn’t know what life is like without seizures. When she was six months old, her first tonic clonic seizure occurred, and they have been a fixture in her life ever since. Diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy, seizure control is difficult, but she is not…...

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When I first came to the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida, I definitely didn’t know what I had, at all. I also didn’t have any help to find out. The Epilepsy Foundation of Florida greatly helped with all of those conundrums mentioned. Also, to get mental help with Support Groups has…...

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Written by Heather Kidd Hi, my name is Heather, and I would like to take you on a journey through my life with epilepsy. Yes, I have epilepsy but it doesn’t have me. I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 12 years old. My parents back then didn’t know…...

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Yesenia’s Story

When the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida told me they wanted to publish my story in their issue at the beginning I was hesitant. I asked my mom and she said yes. Once the days went by I knew writing again will bring me back to memories I didn’t know existed.…...

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Michael Bowen’s Story

I had my first seizure when I was 13.  It was a Petit Mal, meaning I did not collapse but was not aware or in control of my actions and words.  While giving a presentation in English class the rails came off; mid speech I began rambling, acting strangely and…...

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Katia Philippeaux’s Story

Robert was only 18-years-old when he passed away from epilepsy. I will never forget that early Thursday morning when I was awoken to the loud thumps of my brother hitting his wooden head board as he seized. I instantly rushed into his room only to find him unresponsive and gasping…...

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Cause Unknown, but Not Alone

Home Magazine Gainesville – October 5, 2016 How One Woman Overcame the Isolation of Epilepsy with the Help of the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida Over 7 billion people populate the world, and over 127,000 of those people live in Gainesville. Yet everyone will still experience loneliness at some point in…...

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Kimberly Harding

My name is Kimberly Harding and I live with Intractable Epilepsy. I was formally diagnosed in February 2001, after hitting my head while snowboarding without a helmet. In those early months and years spent on Dilantin and Depakote, filled with ambulance rides and broken bones, I had over 200 seizures.…...

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Alaina Young

By: Aimee Young Alaina Young is my teenage daughter who just happens to have epilepsy. Like many others, my husband and I began to notice unusual symptoms in elementary school. Alaina was eight, and would have times during school that she would just “space out” and lose a few minutes…...

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Strides for Seizures, Strides for Friendship

Tallahassee Teen Magazine, June 2016 Strides for Seizures, Strides for Friendship Featuring Molly McCann, daughter of Board Member, Stephanie McCann  Click Here to Read the Full Tallahassee Teen Article ...

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