Judy Siskind has been staff psychologist of Epilepsy Florida for nearly 35 years. In that role she provides psychological evaluation to help the agency’s clients know more about their own strengths and challenges and get needed benefits or accommodations (whether in school, in their citizenship application interviews, or in the disability benefits appeal process). She also provides individual, parent, and family counseling to our clients and serves (informally) as a consultant to their neurologists, teachers, and other professionals concerned with the client’s quality of life.
Since Dr. Siskind is reasonably bilingual in English and Spanish, she does evaluation and counseling in Spanish for our many clients who speak only Spanish or are more comfortable speaking of personal matters in their native language.
Prior to moving from part-time to full-time status at our organization twenty years ago, Dr. Siskind also worked as a clinical psychologist with Sunset Mental Health Associates in South Miami. Before moving to Miami, she was educated and worked in Boston and Baltimore. In Boston, Dr. Siskind was for five years an instructor in Psychology at Boston University and a child psychologist in that school’s Child Psychiatry Department.
In Baltimore, after receiving her doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Siskind was a post-doctoral fellow at Shepard and Enoch Pratt Hospital in Towson, Maryland, and subsequently a staff member at that psychiatric hospital for two years. Her family, including two (then) young children, moved to Miami when Dr. Siskind’s husband, Ken Muller, accepted a position as professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Miami.
Dr. Siskind received her bachelor’s degree from Wellesley College in Massachusetts, a Master of Education degree from Harvard University, and her Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland in College Park.