Faces of Epilepsy

Richie’s Story

Richie Terrell is an amazing example of how EFOF works with legislators to help our members and veterans. EFOF has helped Richie along his journey to make sure that he has what he needs to represent his epilepsy as clearly and medically correct as possible. He used EFOF resources to…...

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Jonathan’s Story

You never forget the first time. My wife and I stood helplessly as a debilitating seizure took over our young daughter’s defenseless body. In that moment, our greatest fears as parents unfolding before our eyes. In just under a year, we watched our daughter’s seizures become increasingly severe and frequent,…...

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Elizabeth’s Story

There’s no way to adequately describe how terrifying and disturbing it is to witness your child having a seizure. How helpless you feel. How angry and distraught. How desperately you want answers. How much you worry about when the next one will come, agonize because you can’t keep it from…...

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Carlos’ Story

With the matinee-idol good looks of a young Clooney, Carlos Gimenez sits listening to his guest in the subtly appointed conference room of the public advocacy firm where he spends most days he’s not kiting around the country and the world for his clients and his city. His penetrating but…...

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Angela’s Story

Life was always a struggle. At age seven, I was outside playing with my friends when suddenly I had a grandmal seizure. After I was rushed to the hospital, the doctors could not control my epileptic seizures and weren’t sure if I was going to survive. After a week in…...

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Margaret’s Story

My name is Margaret Gregory I was diagnosed with epilepsy January 2009 at the age of 30. The seizures came as a surprise to my family as well as the team of neurologists...

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