
Healthcare Cost Worries Increase

More people say they struggle w/ #healthcosts, including deductibles, premiums, prescription drug costs, than in 2015, according to a new poll commissioned by the Kaiser Health Foundation.

Paying medical bills graphic

The report tracked a significant minority of individuals is emerging that say they are worried about their ability to afford healthcare in the future. Some people have taken to rationing care or medications or postponing healthcare altogether.

Those most worried about paying for care are the uninsured, those with lower income, and those in poorer health. These worries were most expressed by women and members of racial minority groups, the report said.

The difficulties in meeting costs run across all aspects of health insurance with people reporting trouble paying their deductible, premiums and other cost-sharing required by their health policies. Many have resorted to cutting back on food, clothing and other basic expenses to pay for medical bills.

See the full report at 

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